Heather’s Cinnamon and Sour Cream Coffee Cake

You know those recipes that your family has been making your whole life? This coffee cake is one of them. It’s always been known in my family as “George’s Coffee Cake” even though I’m 95% certain I’m not related to anyone named George.

Heather's Cinnamon and Sour Cream Coffee Cake - MamootDIY.com

When my mama and I sat down to add this recipe to our Drop recipe creator a few weeks ago, she decided that it needed re-christened and named it after herself.

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Salted Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies

I’ll leave it to Gloria to tell you what salt does to chocolate:

Gloria: Who wants chocolate milk?
Manny: Sure, Mom.
Gloria: So how is it going?
Manny: Great, Kelly’s moving her stuff into my notebook.
Gloria: This is sudden.
Kelly: It just felt right. Oh, you know what you should do, put a pinch of salt in the chocolate milk, it really brings out the flavor.
Gloria: Salt is for the popcorn.
Manny: Sounds good.
Gloria: You wouldn’t like it.
Kelly: Maybe we should let Manny decide.
Gloria: Okay, here’s the salt. We’ll see what he likes.

saltmilk1 saltmilk2
saltmilk3 saltmilk4

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Butterfruit Margarita Cookies

Not-so-fun fact: Avocados are named after the Aztec work for testicle.

Actually fun fact: In some parts of the world, avocados are called butterfruit. The good thing about this name is that it a) has nothing to do with testicles and b) provides a sneaky way to name your cookies without people realizing that there’s avocado in them until after they’ve eaten one and fallen in love with it. Continue reading

Gâteau de Crêpes

Not to be confused with a Gato de Crepes, this cake is perfect as a dessert or for breakfast in bed. It’s basically a giant stack of pancakes and whipped cream, made fancy with the addition of liqueur, orange zest, and a little French panache.

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For the Love of Graham Crackers

I have a confession to make: I love graham crackers. I adore the soft crunch of a fresh cracker and savor every soggy bite after dipping it in a glass of milk. I savor its honey sweetness. I like the humility of a cookie that calls itself a cracker. I appreciate how its perforations make it easier to share. Most of all, I love the history of the graham cracker.

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One Ingredient Banana Ice Cream

Inspired by Carolyn’s three ingredient recipe for peanut butter cookies (Which, by the way, are delicious! Especially the day after.), I decided to finally give The Kitchn‘s much-touted 1 ingredient ice cream a shot. Can you guess what the ingredient is?
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Avocado Pie

There are so many foods in life (Beer, milk, pancakes, eggs, mashed potatoes, ketchup) that shouldn’t be but are green on St. Patrick’s day. This pie is not one of those things. You’ve just got to trust me when I tell you that it’s not gross to put avocados in a dessert. In a blind taste test performed in my kitchen, every respondent said that it tasted “like key lime pie and avocados…but in a good way” which means that it wins all pies. If you’ve got 15 minutes and a blender, you can surprise all your drunk friends tonight with this festive dessert.
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